Tuesday, December 04, 2012

My perfect game

Game UK have recently asked people to describe their perfect game.

My perfect game would be a massive multiplayer, online, seemless, sandbox, 1st person universe.

With the ability to walk/drive/fly across planetary terrain, fly up into space and dock at larger space craft/stations, walk inside and outside of them and then jump to another solar system.

On each planet and within each system there would be NPC encounters both hostile and not, as well as mission and trading opportunities as well as uncharted things to find by exploration.

Essentially it takes the scale of 'Eve Online' by CCP, seemlessly merges it with their upcoming FPS 'Dust 514' (but as an open world like 'Oblivion'/'Skyrim'), adds 'Wing Commander's' 1st person control in space and bolts on the trading aspect of the classic 'Elite' with the empire building of the 'X' series games by Egosoft. Larger ships would be managed along the lines of the player carrier in 'Carrier Command'.

The closest thing so far to this was the vapourware Online Universe from 3000AD but their offline single player Universal combat ticks most of the boxes.

Cloud Imperiums' recently announced Star Citizen comes pretty close as far as space is concerned.

This is an entry to the Perfect GAME competition for the chance to win a Wii U from GAME.

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