Monday, November 28, 2005

I guess I should put something up?

Where to start though?... Well the SWG situation hasn't improved. Mr. Smedly (head of SOE himself) made his second and third visit to the official forums ever (his first was during the fallout after the CU went live so you know _somethings_ up!) usual PR blather with little actual content. I'll include links to his post in a moment.

While I'm on the SWG bandwagon (again) heres a blog that I stumbled across recently now this guy is having a blast with the SWG NGE and kudos to him for that, but I just find his take on it alittle...shallow, certainly for a gamer who is no console kiddie by all appearences. Now I like to kick back and just have a blast as much as the next 30-something-year-old but I wouldn't choose to do it in a MMORPG (usually Planetside for me). Unfortunately it seems that this 'mentality' is exactly what SOE want from their new playerbase (because they sure as hell aint getting it from the old one!)

Anyway here is Smed's second ever post

and his third

for and, for basis of comparison here is his first (compare it to his second)

Smeds added two further posts in existing threads, neither adds anything worthy of note. Unfortunately I fear the new 'listening side of SOE' is going to be too little too late (or simply a PR excersize)

To finish up todays SWG coverage, over the weekend my CL1 Trader completed two of the three Corvette missions (not the assasin one) solo with ease. For this I have to show two more badges, two AV-21 schematics (but no powerplanet grrr!) and two hours of my life I can't use for anything else because it was neither a fun nor exciting use of my time (just a case of I can so I will I'm afraid.

Now a first for this blog, something other than SWG!!!!!

Just over a year after releasing 'Neocron 2' Reakktor announce 'Neocron Evolution 2.1'.
Basically this is a huge update to the game that should make it look alittle more.....modern (it seems to be largely a graphics engine update).

I have to admit to having a soft spot for Neocron, its a small company MMORPG and very different to any other sci-fi MMORPG available currently (Face of Mankind looks kinda similar but is still in beta) as it's a cyberpunk genre. The biggest problem with Neocron was that it had largely unrestricted PvP and as such attracted the kind of players you didn't want to play with (powerlevelling gankers basically) I like a bit of PvP as much as the next guy I just prefer to have a reasonable chance of winning and not have my fate sealed by some kid who spends all his spare time powerlevelling his character just to get his kicks from killing guys loads lower than him.

The potential for roleplay in Neocron was huge and....completely wasted. This new patch should give me a 14 day trial on my existing account but I doubt very much that I'll go back to playing the game full time, despite the recent addition of a 'hardcore' (read: even more PvP than usual) server because the transition of my characters from Neocron 1 to Neocron 2 lost me too much than I care to replace (which reminds me I wonder if they fixed my character transfer problem...... well at least thats something I can check during the 14 days....)

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