Sunday, November 13, 2005

More SWG stuff I'm afraid

Some questions it would appear do get answered sooner or later.

SOE have announced a refund option for the ToOW expansion. So either this is goodwill/damage control excersize or there was a real risk of legal repercussions - personally my experience with SOE leads me to believe its the latter, but then again I'm biased. I'll have to wait and see how [un]playable the game/my character is after the Tuesday patch before I decide if I want the refund or not....

It would appear that Tiggs (Community relations person mentioned in the pervious entry) was sacked. I found her Blog here and while she stops short of actually saying this it certainly looks like they fired her. Possibly because her last post, which I can find no trace of on the forum, contained something SOE didn't want public. Whether Tiggs knew this when she posted it is another question completely.

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