Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Uneventful day

Well what an uneventful day today was (although the Nokia N-gage I got off eBay turned up so I got a new toy to play with, guess it's time to find out why I bought it....). Came home just before lunch for two reasons, first is because I wasn't feeling too great (which normally wouldn't have warranted me coming home) the second was I have a report to finish up which I'm having a hard time getting though it mainly because of the fact I don't feel great. The idea is at home I don't have all the other office stuff going on around me so hopefully I can get some work done......

Being a Tuesday, tonight is 'lads online gaming night' (whereas Thursday is 'lads old-style wargame or roleplay gaming night') but this week we're not sure what we're going to play. Recently we've all been playing Planetside (one of the few games that doesnt require all of us online all at the same time to actually get into something that will take us through the whole evening) but two of the guys still have some catching up on EQ2 to do before we can all group together and theres a part of me that wants to log into SWG and get a quest done before the NGE hits and they totally gimp me so that I can't do any quests involving combat ever again. On the other side of the coin if it (the NGE) is that bad and I end up quitting there won't have been any point doing the quest and I'll have wasted my time!

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